From the Back Cover
LearnTheConstitution And ROAR teaches the originally-ratified U.S. Constitution—from the Preamble through Article VII—to inform Patriots of the normal case, of allowable federal action, through the Framers’ and Ratifiers’ perspectives. Please note that the amendments are NOT covered herein, other than in passing (but will be a separate work).
Federal servants may never become our political masters and do as they please, except as Americans remain incapable of diagnosing the single political problem facing us federally (which is how federal servants may ever ignore or bypass their normal constitutional parameters with impunity).
Thankfully, nothing ever done by federal servants may ever change the Constitution or their allowed powers that they may everywhere in the Union directly exercise (only ratified amendments change the allowable federal powers and only the States ratify amendments).
Therefore, everything ever done beyond the spirit of the Constitution may be cast off, outside the election process, because we don’t need to change government, for it has never actually been changed beyond the 27 ratified amendments.
Read LearnTheConstitution And ROAR to learn to see through The Make-Believe Rule of Paper Tyrants and respond accordingly, to Restore Our American Republic. It’s up to each Patriot to discover what we are missing, to permanently end the nonsense, Once and For All or even Happily-Ever-After.
The Patriot Corps
Our Founding Fathers mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish these United States of America, based on individual liberty and limited government.
Will you pledge to learn how to Restore Our American Republic, outside the election process?
If so, please check out the Patriot Corps' LearnTheConstitution content, available in three different consumption options, depending upon your learning preferences.
Option #1:
If you prefer a traditional book, then
LearnTheConstitution And ROAR is for you.
LearnTheConstitution And ROAR is available in book form only in Hardcover.
Option #2:
LearnTheConstitution AtYourOwnPace Program Course
The same content found in LearnTheConstitution AndROAR is available to watch in mp4 videos, listen to in mp3 audios, and read, in individual pdf Lessons.
Each video and audio Lesson is 10-15 minutes in length.
The LearnTheConstitution AtYourOwnPace Program Course makes all of the Lessons available to you (in three different formats) at time of sign up, so you may proceed At Your Own Pace.
Option #3:
LearnTheConstitution InOneYear
Every Two Weeks For a Year*, you'll receive an emailed notification that a new Lesson is made available to watch, listen to, or read (with a link to the new Lesson [you may review previously-released Lessons at any time]).
All Lessons are available in video, audio, and pdf formats
The LearnTheConstitution InOneYear Program Course keeps the content steadily in front of you, so you don't forget when you're busy, without overwhelming you (to keep you on-course, to learn the content, within a year).
*(The first and last months of the 12-month Program Course have Lessons every week).
Small, Consistent Steps are Key to Making Progress, especially when You're Busy
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We Are Witnessing the Intentional Destruction Of American Society
Everywhere one looks, one finds troubling evidence of deep societal decline. Openly-failing federal policies and contradictory bureaucratic practices push these United States ever closer to the edge of an abyss, ready to plunge us into utter chaos.
The Patriot Corps argues this is by intention, as opponents of individual liberty and limited government seek to destroy society, in order to get conservatives to finally agree "that the Constitution isn't working," so they can throw it out and start over.
This ends one of two ways. Either we concede defeat or we stand and fight them with the only thing they fear--learning the truth behind their devious Constitution-bypass mechanism, and then exposing it to the purifying light of day.